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7 hours ago

Please read and repost this everywhere. Feel free to cut and paste this into your Facebook or Instagram account if you have one.

If Canada were to create a border czar position, as per Premier Smith, I would go to work for that person for the fee of One Dollar (CAD). I have worked extensively in the intelligence community in Canada, the USA, Singapore and the Netherlands over a period of forty years. This includes intelligence work on the ground during the war in the former Yugoslavia. I am also a court expert on terrorism at the Federal and Criminal court level. Over the years, I have worked for multiple alphabet soup organizations including the CAF, PCO/IAS, RCMP, ICTY (NL), NMJIC, Immigration Canada, RSIS (Singapore) and DOJ.

I have authored/co-authored books on relevant subjects such as:
1. Seeing the Invisible – National Security Intelligence in an Uncertain Age (World Scientific 2007)
2. The Danger of Political Islam to Canada (With a Warning to America) 2017
3. Lovers of Death: Factories of ...

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5 hours ago
5 hours ago
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