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We are a group of Alberta loving Canadians dedicated to sharing information and news that affects everyday Albertans.
We are committed to sharing news, stories, events and opinions that ensures our province stays free, united and independent from the overreach of the Federal government.
All are welcome and respectful debate is encouraged. Please join with the intention of participating. Proceeds are donated.
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“The only fly in the ointment in step 3 is that CT Carney needs a 2/3 majority vote in parliament to officially declare an emergency. Speculation is that would be difficult, because hopefully the cons won’t fall for it. Then I can imagine the government, and the media, blaming the conservatives for “not putting Canada first!”

We’re done, folks. Unless these stupid Canuckistans finally wake up in time to avoid the trap that’s being laid out for them, we’re going to get spoon-fed socialism for generations to come.”

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2 hours ago

I think Alberta oil is going to get a carve out.🤞 His issue is with Trudeau and Ottawa, not Smith and Alberta. If Trudeau puts an export tax on Alberta oil, it will be the beggining of the Republic of Alberta. Trump wants oil and border security which Alberta has to offer in a deal. Trump can then offer to Albertan’s for their assests in U.S. dollars and an open tariffs free border (I hope he throws in American passports for Albertan’s as the cherry on top).
“President Donald Trump on Thursday confirmed his intention to impose 25% tariffs on Canadian and Mexican goods as of this Saturday, February 1.

The president said his team will decide if they will impose a separate tariff on Canadian oil and gas Thursday night.

When a reporter asked if oil will be part of the imminent tariffs on Canadian goods, “because we get oil from ...

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